Don’t Let Winter Slow You Down: Keep Warm and Carry On


Michigan winters are not for the weak. We live here. We know what’s coming and we can take it. We don’t hide inside and wait. We say, “Bring it on!” Of course, that’s because we know, the only way to face Mother Nature’s fury is by having the right cold-weather gear.

winter workwear

Bring it on! 

Work doesn’t stop just because Old Man Winter is in a bad mood. Heck no.  When temperatures drop, the winds start howling, and the snow starts falling — and falling, and falling — the job still needs to get done, so you need to protect yourself. You need to one-stop-shop at Action Supply Safety and Workwear Store.

We have everything necessary to work through the winter safely. From Carhartt coats, hats, bibs, and base layers to Wolverine high-visibility vests, Cat parkas, and Timberland and Rocky BlizzardStalker insulated, waterproof boots, if it’s cold, wet, or blowing outside, you’ll find exactly what you need inside our Action Supply Stores!

We’re not just talking high-quality, name-brand winter workwear either, we’re talking about things like Ice-TraxTM Premium Ice Meltweather-resistant accessories, signage, ear and eye protection products, and more.  When it comes to winter safety, we’ve got you covered. Take that Old Man Winter. In your face, Mother Nature.

Get what you need to get the job done safely and warmly, no matter what the weather. Get supplies on-demand at your local Action Supply Safety and Workwear Store, with locations in Muskegon, Holland, Grand Rapids, and Traverse City. Dial 800-527-5548 to find out more.