What’s So Great About One P.O.?


Well. let’s see…where should we start? Having to manage only one purchase order not only means less hassle for you, but it also saves time and money. Here’s how:

Less waiting

If you’re dealing with a single P.O., you’re probably dealing with a single supplier – good for you! Supplier consolidation means instead of waiting on orders from multiple sources, you only have one order and delivery to manage. Easy peasy and less wasted time waiting around for orders to arrive from various places.

Reduced costs for shipping and handling

When you can order everything you need all from one place, it not only lowers transactional and production costs, but also costs associated with freighting and handling. When there’s just one shipping fee, those savings can add up fast!

Lower purchasing prices

Large volume purchases save money, plain and simple, and when you order in bulk quantities from a single source, that drives your costs down even more.

Reduced risk

When suppliers are consolidated, so are risks, so having one P.O. from one source means a lot less to manage and worry about throughout your supply chain.

Stronger supplier relationship

Working with one core supplier allows you to build your relationship with them, strengthening trust, reliability and peace of mind. When you can put in a single P.O. and have confidence in your supplier to consistently deliver quality products on time from one order, that means less hassle and stress, and a greater ability to focus on other aspects of your company.

Ability to blanket order

The beauty of the blanket purchase order (BPO) is that it saves you having to open and close multiple purchase orders every time you need certain supplies that you use on a regular, recurring basis. Adding a B to your PO allows you to list items, quantities and how often to send them, then your vendor will deliver these items automatically according to the interval requested. So, you can submit one P.O. and practically forget about it!

Now, when you consider all of the above, we think you’d agree that having to submit and manage a single P.O. is indeed pretty darn great. Ah, but how do you go about achieving this dream? Well, that’s actually easy, too. Action Industrial Supply has a huge selection of workwear, gear, equipment and every supply you could possibly think of, so submitting one purchase order here is not a dream…it’s a reality. Heck, you can even build your own order pad, customized to your needs.

So, call us today at 800-527-5548 and start saving time, money and hassles. Action Industrial Supply. Your go-to place without having to go anywhere else.