Accessorize Like a Superhero with Action Safety Gear

superhero of safety

You never know when you might WHAM! drop something heavy on your foot, or POW! get hit on the head with a falling paint bucket. Accidents happen, and while superheroes aren’t around in real life to save the day, the experts at Action Supply Safety and Workwear Store are!

At Action, safety accessories are kind of our thing. We have a huge supply of protective gear, so if you find yourself in need of help, we’ll be there to keep you safe! Just think of us as your trusty sidekick — always there in your time of need.

Sure, we don’t sell capes and tights, but we do sell just about everything else to make you feel like a superhero of everyday life, giving you the power to tackle evil yard work without worry, climb extension ladders with confidence, and powerwash with proper protection.

From eye, ear and head safety accessories to fall, fire and respiratory protection to first aid products and clothing for all kinds of jobs, whatever you need to stay safe, we’ve got it.

So, come find out for yourself how empowering it is to slip on some chemical resistant duds, strap on a face shield, tug on some steel-toed boots and cut-resistant gloves and take on the world of DIY.

Just look to your local Action Supply Safety and Workwear Store for the biggest selection of safety accessories around with an expert staff ready to protect you and save the day!  

Call 800-527-5548 for help and we’ll leap through hoops in a single bound to get you everything you need faster than a speeding bullet. Seriously, The Avengers have nothing on us.